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NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
NSW Pokemon Brilliant DiamondNSW Pokemon Brilliant DiamondNSW Pokemon Brilliant DiamondNSW Pokemon Brilliant DiamondNSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
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NSW Pokemon Brilliant Diamond

AED 194.00(Inc. VAT)

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Experience the nostalgic story from the Pokémon Diamond Version game in a reimagined adventure, PokémonTM Brilliant Diamond, now on the Nintendo SwitchTM system! Adventures in the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond game will take place in the familiar Sinnoh region. Rich in nature and with mighty Mount Coronet at its heart, Sinnoh is a land of many myths passed down through the ages. You’ll choose either Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup to be your first partner Pokémon and then set off on your journey to become the Champion of the Pokémon League. Along the way, you’ll be able to encounter the Legendary Pokémon Dialga.
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Experience the nostalgic story from the Pokémon Diamond Version game in a reimagined adventure, PokémonTM Brilliant Diamond, now on the Nintendo SwitchTM system! Adventures in the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond game will take place in the familiar Sinnoh region. Rich in nature and with mighty Mount Coronet at its heart, Sinnoh is a land of many myths passed down through the ages. You’ll choose either Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup to be your first partner Pokémon and then set off on your journey to become the Champion of the Pokémon League. Along the way, you’ll be able to encounter the Legendary Pokémon Dialga.