Lyhd Electronic Acupuncture Pen Electric Meridians Laser Acupuncture Machine Magnet Therapy Instrument Meridian Energy Pen Massager Relief Pain
AED 49.50AED 99.00(Inc. VAT) 50% OFF
Main color: silver
Material: magnet, alloy
Features: magnet therapy, health promotion, modern biotechnology
Combining modern biotechnology, high-quality massage pens are good for health.
Electromagnetic therapy can do acupuncture without piercing the skin.
Simple operation and easy to carry.
Safe and effective, no side effects.
Affordable family use.
It has the function of health therapy: when the acupuncture device slides on the epidermis, it will produce stimulation and vibration. The acupuncture points will feel more intense, and you will feel relaxed and comfortable immediately after use. This is an electrophysiological stimulation of the corresponding visceral cell population of the human body. The mesh directly acts on human tissues to fundamentally regulate the body's absorption, conduction, balance, metabolism and immunity to achieve the goals of medical care.