ويتوورثس فواكه فيسترز مشمش 140 غرام
AED 14.30(شامل قيمة الضريبة)
- المشمش المجفف بالشمس مفعم بالحلاوة الطبيعية.
- غني بالألياف والفيتامينات والمعادن.
- مثالي لتناول الوجبات الخفيفة أو إضافتها إلى الوصفات
حقائق غذائية
*قد تكون الكمية اليومية أكثر أو أقل وفق حاجتك للسعرات الحرارية
معلومات الحساسية
يحتوي على ثاني أكسيد الكبريت/الكبريتات
طريقة الطبخ
Apricot and Orange Pancakes-Cooking time: 15-20 minutesIngredients: Pancake batter, 100g plain flour, Pinch salt, 1 medium egg, 250ml milk, 2 Tbsp vegetable oil,Sauce: 25g caster sugar, 100ml orange juice, 2 Tbsp brandy, 50g Whitworths apricots, roughly chopped, 50g unsalted butter,How to make:Step 1 - Sieve the flour and salt into a bowl, make a well in the centre, whisk in the egg and enough milk to make a thick paste. Gradually whisk in the remaining milk until the batter is the consistency of single cream. Leave to stand for 30 minutes (or longer if you want to make in advance).Step 2 - Heat a little oil in a frying pan until really hot and pour in 1/2 ladleful of the batter, swirl over the base of the pan and cook for approx. 20-30 seconds until the pancake is lightly browned and then flip to cook the other side, Remove and keep warm whilst cooking the remaining 7 pancakes (stack with greaseproof paper between).Step 3 - Clean the frying pan. Mix the sugar, orange juice, brandy and apricots together. Melt the butter in the frying pan, then add the juice mixture, mix well and let it bubble for a minute or two.Step 4 - Fold each of the pancakes into 4 and add to the sauce in the pan. Heat through and serve 2 pancakes per person with sauce spooned over