Sunflower Oil
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Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9LAfia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9LAfia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9LAfia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9LAfia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle  9L
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Afia Pure Sunflower Oil Enriched with Vitamins A D & Zinc Bottle 9L

Pack size : 9L

AED 122.50(Inc. VAT)

Sold & Delivered by Carrefour
Origin -
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • 100% PURE SUNFLOWER OIL: Afia's Sunflower Oil is a naturally sourced cooking oil made exclusively from premium sunflower seeds, suitable for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. With a mild flavor, this light cooking oil is a versatile choice for a wide array of dishes
  • QUALITY YOU CAN TRUST: Created by first extracting oil from the finest selection of sunflower seeds, the oil is then refined to enhance and maintain its purity and freshness. The result is a high-quality sunflower oil with a neutral flavor and golden appearance, making it an ideal choice for various meals
  • ENRICHED WITH NUTRIENTS: Sunflower oil is not only a cooking staple, but also a nutritious ingredient. It contains zero cholesterol and has a unique blend of nutrients: fortified with immunity-boosting zinc and enriched with essential vitamins A and D. Make sunflower oil a part of your daily routine by enhancing the flavors of your dishes while also promoting a healthier lifestyle and nurturing your body with vital nutrients
  • ALL-PURPOSE COOKING: Afia's Sunflower Oil is your go-to cooking ingredient, its neutral flavor won't overpower your dishes, allowing your culinary creativity to shine. With a smoke point from between 252–254 °C, sunflower oil provides excellent heat stability allowing you to use it for all types of cooking
  • CHECK OUT AFIA'S FULL RANGE: In addition to our sunflower oil selection, we offer a wide range of other cooking oils, including corn oil and canola oil. Explore these alternative flavor profiles and open up a world of culinary possibilities in your kitchen!
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Nutrition facts

Average nutritional values per 100g
100g, saturated 4.22g

*Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calaries needs



Sunflower Oil

Cooking Guidelines

نقدم لكم زيت دوار الشمس من عافية، المزيج المثالي من النكهة الممتازة والرفاهية. بدءًا من المصادر الدقيقة لبذور دوار الشمس الممتازة وحتى المعالجة الدقيقة، تم تصنيع هذا الزيت حصريًا للحفاظ على نكهة البذور الخفيفة. والنتيجة هي زيت دوار الشمس عالي الجودة بنكهة محايدة ومظهر ذهبي، مما يجعله الخيار الأمثل لمجموعة واسعة من الوجبات. زيت دوار الشمس من عافية ليس مجرد عنصر أساسي في الطبخ؛ إنه خيار صحي ومناسب للنباتيين وغير النباتيين. مع خلوه من الكوليسترول ومزيج فريد من العناصر الغذائية - معزز بالزنك المعزز للمناعة وغني بالفيتامينات الأساسية A وD - يصبح جزءًا حيويًا من روتينك اليومي. زيت دوار الشمس من عافية هو المكون الموثوق به للطهي لجميع الأغراض. لن تطغى نكهته المحايدة على أطباقك، مما يسمح لإبداعك في الطهي بالتألق. مع نقطة دخان تتراوح بين 252-254 درجة مئوية، فإنه يوفر ثباتًا ممتازًا للحرارة، مما يجعله مثاليًا لمجموعة واسعة من الوصفات. لا تنس إستكشاف مجموعة عافية الكاملة من زيوت الطهي، بما في ذلك زيت الذرة وزيت الكانولا، حيث يقدم كل منها نكهات بديلة تفتح عالمًا من إمكانيات الطهي في مطبخك. إرفع مستوى طبخك وإتبع أسلوب حياة أكثر صحة مع زيت دوار الشمس من عافية اليوم!





Storage Condition

Store in a cool & dry place

Brand Message

Introducing Afia's Sunflower Oil, the ultimate combination of excellent flavor and well-being. From careful sourcing of premium sunflower seeds to meticulous processing, this oil is crafted exclusively to preserve the seeds' mild and light flavor. The result is a high-quality sunflower oil with a neutral flavor and a golden appearance, making it the perfect choice for a wide array of meals. Afia's Sunflower Oil is not just a cooking staple